Balmiki Ashram Turturiya is a natural and religious place 84 km from Raipur district and 29 km from Balodabazar district, 12 from Kasdol tehsil and 23 km from Sirpur, which is known as Turturiya. The said site is also known as Sursuri Ganga. This place is a Saikam place full of natural scenery which is surrounded by mountains. The Baranvapara Sanctuary is also located near it.Raturia is located on the Balabhadri drain near a village called Bahria. It is known that Maharishi Valmiki’s ashram was in Tretayuga and this was Lavkush’s birthplace.
The reason for the name of this place is Turturiya, because the flow of the Balabhadri drain flows through the rocks, and the sound of the turbulence comes out due to the bubbles rising from it.Due to which he is named Turturiya. Its waterfall passes through a long narrow tunnel and falls into a cistern which has been constructed with ancient bricks. At the place where this water falls in the tank, a cow’s mouth has been made, due to which the water falling from its face is visible. Two ancient stone statues are installed on either side of Gomukh which are of Vishnu ji, one of them is in a standing position and in the second statue, Vishnu is shown sitting on Sheshnag.An ancient stone statue of two heroes are built near the pool, in which a hero is shown beating a lion with a sword, and in the second statue another hero is shown bending the neck of an animal. A large number of Shivalingas have been found at this place, in addition to which ancient stone pillars are also scattered in large quantities in which artistic excavation has been done. Apart from this, some inscriptions are also established here. Some ancient Buddha statues are also installed here.The remains of six fractal temples are also found. The founding of statues related to Buddhism, Vaishnavism and Shaivism at this site also emphasizes the fact that there must have been a mixed culture of these three sects. It is believed that there were Buddhist monasteries in which Buddhist monks lived. Being close to Sirpur, it is strongly emphasized that this place must have once been the center of Buddhist culture.It is estimated from the script of inscriptions obtained from here that the time of the statues obtained from here is from 8-9th century. Even today, women priests are appointed here, which is an ancient tradition. A three-day fair is held here in Pusha month and a large number of devotees visit here. Apart from being a religious and archaeological site, this place also attracts tourists due to its natural beauty.

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