Once the Capital of Nagavansh Raja Banasur, Barsur is a fond destination for one who love history and ancient sculptures. This tiny town is filled with archaeological treasures.

The historic twenty-two temple of Bansur, 31 km from the headquarters of South Bastar Dantewada district, stands on 32 pillars. According to the inscription found here, it was constructed in the year 1030 by Nagesvic king Someshwar Dev for his queen. In the two pavilions here, the King and Rani used to worship different Shivas. There are two Shivalinga established in this temple with two sanctum sanctorum. It is the legend that after seeking three pag land from King Bali, the Vaman Avtar of Lord Vishnu took him to Patala.

After this, the sacrificed son, Banasur, settled the new capital named Banasura in Dandakaranya Vananchal. Since the entry of Lord Krishna’s son Anirudh’s Bansura, the fall began here. The 895-year-old temple was rebuilt by archaeological department in the year 2003. The distance from the capital is 395 kilometers, the world’s third largest Ganesha statue.

इसे भी पढ़ें  Kudargarh

Recognition – The prayer is completed by praying in the ears of Nandi here

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